Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Local Data Storage for Windows Phone

Here will be a very brief recap, please go to the MSDN links that I listed in the Related topic section to get a completed understanding.

There are three ways an application can store data:

  • Settings: Store data as key/value pairs by using the IsolatedStorageSettings class.
  • Files and folders: Store files and folders by using the IsolatedStorageFile class.
  • Relational data: Store relational data in a local database by using LINQ to SQL.
For a Windows Phone application, all I/O operations are restricted to isolated storage and do not have direct access to the underlying operating system file system or to the isolated storage of other applications.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Application Bar Icon Buttons for Windows Phone

This article based on Application Bar Icon Buttons for Windows Phone in MSDN is for my own reference purpose only. Go to MSDN if you want to have a deep understanding on it.
Where are the sample icons?
First, Microsoft has provided a set of sample icons for you after you install the Windows Phone SDK (To download the Windows Phone SDK, see Installing the Windows Phone SDK.) And you can find the sample icons at one of the following locations:
    • C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Phone\v7.1\Icons\dark
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Phone\v7.1\Icons\dark
To add icon button images to your Windows Phone application

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Enable Windows 7 taskbar functionality in WPF

The TaskbarItemInfo class provides a managed wrapper for Windows 7 taskbar functionality. If you want to know more information about the Windows shell and native taskbar APIs, see Taskbar Extensions. TaskbarItemInfo is exposed as the Window.TaskbarItemInfo dependency property on a Window. I am going to use it as my topic today.

ProgressBar in WPF

A progress is used to indicates the progress of an operation. I've searched a lot on the Internet. I couldn't find a sample on how to use it by setting its progress value. And should be the simplest and most natural way to do it.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Commanding in WPF

This topic is tended to be an abbreviated version to this Commanding Overview document on MSDN website. If you want to have a fully understanding about it, please click that link and read it thoroughly.

Commanding is an input mechanism in WPF. There are two kinds of input mechanism in WPF which .NET Framework 4.0 supports: mouse click (MouseGesture) and keyboard input (KeyGesture).

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Advanced Format (512E) and 4K Native in Windows

I bought a new hare drive on New Year days of 2012. I don't know the hard drive I bought is made in 4K native format and I don't know Microsoft Windows OSs don't fully support the new format hard drive until I got a virtual hard drive disk-related error…..

Monday, January 9, 2012

A Code Snap About File I/O in C#

This is tend to be a reminder of mind. It was gathered from many of my practice. Therefore some of them may look like odd or not corresponding. Such as MessageBox and Console objects are not suppose to appear in the same program, but they does not affect the whole things. I don't want to revise that parts since it is not important on this topic.

Why C#'s Math.Round is not Working Correctly?

Is it a bug? Yes, in my opinion, it is. In MSDN library, Math.Round method in C# uses Round-Half-Even AKA Banker's Rounding as its default rounding method. However, a lot of people claim that it is not working as accurate as it should be. I am going to tell you how it happened and how to prevent it happens.