Namespace: System
Assembly: mscorlib (mscorlib.dll)
Here is a recap from Math Class in MSDN and is depend on .NET Framework version 4.5. You can switch to the other versions once you navigate to the MSND website.
This will be the memory of all of the problems that I have encountered and solved. Hope it will help me in my future work and help you in your current work. Thanks for your reading...
Namespace: System
Assembly: mscorlib (mscorlib.dll)
Here is a recap from Math Class in MSDN and is depend on .NET Framework version 4.5. You can switch to the other versions once you navigate to the MSND website.
In this topic, I would like to talk about how to easily create a Metro Style App Package and deploy it to the other developer-enabled Windows 8 PC .
Here are some samples I wrote for self reminders.
Windows Phone Emulator is a desktop application that emulates a Windows Phone 7 or a Windows Phone 7.1 device. Here is a list of topics that I found on the Internet and thought it is useful for me. Hope you enjoy it.
.Net Framework 4.0 brought a new feature to simplify parallel development that runs your application on computers and workstations that have two or more cores. Still, unlike mainframe systems this is not going to enable you to run your application on a specific core (CPU). However, it does provide a lot more easier way to develop your multi-thread application. Let's see what it can do now.
Here is a very useful sample about it: 31 Days of Windows Phone | Day #23: Providing Trial Versions of Your App.
Related Topics:
Here are some interesting information I found on the Internet.
Here are links will very helpful for myself hope it will help you on your work.
"The Application Development Lifecycle" in Application Platform Overview for Windows Phone
First, check these sites for a look about Silverlight controls: Silverlight 3 Toolkit Demo, Silverlight Toolkit. This toolkit is that it’s completely compatible with Windows Phone 7 applications that use Silverlight.
Related Topics:
Please take a look at MSDN documents first. I will add my thought later.
The WebClient and HttpWebRequest classes can be used for a wide range of HTTP-based programming, from general HTTP requests to programming web and data services.
A Demonstration About How to Consuming Windows Phone Services Series by using WebClint class:
Part 1 - Web Client Basics
Part 2 - HttpWebRequest Fundamentals
Part 3 - Parsing REST based XML Data - Part A - Single Result
Part 4 - Parsing REST based XML Data - Part B - Multiple Results
Another example in 31 Days of Windows Phone | Days #25: Talking to External APIs
You can take a look at the related topics below and then here is a simple demonstration: 31 Days of Windows Phone | Day #19: Push Notifications
About how to use the WebBrowser control in your Windows Phone 7 application you can take a look at the related topics below.
Panoramic experiences offer a unique way to view controls, data, and services by using a long horizontal canvas that extends beyond the confines of the screen.
The Windows Phone Pivot control provides a quick way to manage views or pages. It can be used for filtering large datasets, viewing multiple data sets, or switching application views.
Depending on the type of data to be stored, Windows Phone applications can use isolated storage in the following ways:
This is a sample for saving and restoring your state on deactivation and reactivation respectively. The follow code is a copy from my App.xaml.cs file.
GeoCoordinateWatcher class lives in System.Device.dll and in System.Device.Location namespace. To use it you have to add a reference in your project’s References fold and add a using reference in you .cs file if you wish.
VibrateController virbate = VibrateController.Default
There are two articles about this topic that is very helpful and I believe it will very helpful to you too. Go and take a loot at them since mine is an abbreviation of those: 31 Days of Windows Phone | Day #11: Accelerometer and Using the Accelerometer on Windows Phone 7 on The Windows Phone Developer Blog.
This page is only some reminders for myself and here is the official document about Windows Phone 7 Emulator.
Here is the official document about lunchers and choosers overview for Windows Phone.
The difference between lanchers and choosers are: Launchers do not return data or status to your application; Choosers can return data and status to your application. However, if the user presses Start while the new application is open, the calling application may never be reactivated.
There are two properties in your Page.xaml file that control your project's orientation:
SupportedOrientations="Portrait" Orientation="Portrait"
Normally, the back button in your phone will take you backwards through the pages that you have visited. You can override it to make it do what you want.
protected override void OnBackKeyPress(System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)
// Your code goes here.
// ...
e.Cancel = true;// Remember to add this to Cancel the default behavior.
There are tow main ways to navigate between pages: use hyperlinks and via code
Although it is easy to understand after you’ve tried to use them. I would like to use others explanation about this question. It may help me easy to recall its difference.
First, the original information comes from I reduced its content for easier and faster reading. Go to the original one if you still don’t know what is it mean.
After you close your child window you always like to have your parent window to present in front of you right away. In Windows Form Applications we can use BringToFront() method to bring your window or control to the front of your screen. How can we do in WFP applications?
There is a easy way to make it happen.
In your parent window set it on focus when the child window is closed. How can we know the child window is closed? Just add a closed even handler to your child window after you introduce it and before you use it.
private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { YourChildWindow newChildWindow = new YourChildWindow(); newChilddWindow.Closed += new EventHandler(newChildWindow_Closed); newChildWindow.Show(); }
void newChildWindow_Closed(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Focus(); } |
I found a interest article from one of the MSDN blogs.
Here is a easier way to do it if you are in hurry.
<Button Name="btnClose" ToolTip="Close" Click="btnClose_Click">
<Image Source="/MyStudyTool;component/Images/CloseButton.png" />
Related Topics:
As the topic says, here is the answer.
And this is the best solution that I have tried.
Try this in your Window1.xaml in your Window statement:
WindowStyle = "None" to get a window without border
WindowState = "Maximized" to make the window full screen
WebBroswer control could be used in WPF applications and Windows Form applications. However, there are quite difference while you try to apply it to these two type of applications. This document will focus on these difference then the complete usage of them.
If you are more interest in more detail about how the control does please go to the MSDN web site : WebBrowser Control (Windows Forms) , WebBrowser Control (WPF) , WebBrowser Control (Windows Phone 7)
The first thing that I want to do when I start my blog is how to prevent someone else copy information from my blog. I did some search on the Internet before I dig in to it. Then I realized there are two things we should do to prevent it happen: disable showing context-menu and disable mouse right click and ctrl + c.